Paddle Planner Releases Updated Website

Paddle Planner Releases Updated Website

The handy route planning website Paddle Planner has not only turned 10 year old, but they have finished their beta program and released a brand new website…

New Look and Feel

Last year we introduced the new website design. This January we made the new design the face of Paddle Planner. Thank you to all those that gave us feedback on the new website and helped us make it better. We must give a special thank you to Josh Vermast, who voluntarily gave countless hours because he believes in what we are trying to accomplish. The design that you see mostly came from his vision of what Paddle Planner could be.

We know that some of you liked the old design. It has not gone away, and if you would like the address, you can ask us for it. However, we would encourage you to use the new site since we will not be updating or adding new features to the old one.

We continue to welcome any suggestions on improvements. We would not be where we are without your input.

New Membership Options

With the new features, we have revamped some of the membership options. The Map Enthusiast membership has remained largely the same with the addition of the new benefits. We have replaced the Premium membership with the new Expedition Leader membership. This change is more than just a renaming of the membership.

Expedition Leader membership now has:

  • A Free McKenzie Map! (for annual memberships - details below)

  • High-resolution Map Image Exports (this is mostly relevant to the new map background discussed below)

  • 5 permit alerts (brand new feature)

There are also monthly options for the Map Enthusiast and Expedition Leader memberships. The annual prices are a much better value, but the monthly options will be valuable for paddlers that just want to plan that one trip or grap a GPX file before they leave.

We want to give a big thank you to our Premium customers. In the past, there was not much difference between the Map Enthusiast membership and the Premium membership except the price. To show our appreciation for their support, we are upgrading our Premium customers to Expedition Leader and giving them each a free McKenzie map. Again, thank you for supporting us!

Paddle Planner has also added four new maps since the beginning of 2021 (and are actively working on a new map for Temagami)…

Stay connected with Paddle Planner on Facebook & Twitter and engage with fellow paddlers in their forums.