Watch Northern Scavenger's Boreal to Barrenlands

Watch Northern Scavenger's Boreal to Barrenlands

You can watch Northern Scavenger's 53 minute documentary, Boreal to Barrenlands - Crossing Labrador on Vimeo starting tonight at 6 p.m.! This 2019 expedition found 4 friends traveling 35 days, across 2 hights-of-land, through 3 eco-systems, for a total of 670km across some of the most rugged terrain in Canada.

We have been working very hard on this for the past 6 months and words cannot describe how happy we are to finally be sharing our story.

You are now able to place pre-orders using the link below, and it will be officially released at 6PM this evening.

Please make sure to leave us a comment to let us know what you think. If you enjoyed watching, we would really appreciate it if you took the time to share this with others.

Rent it for $7.99 or buy it for $11.99.