Canoe The North: Wabakimi - Reflections From The Water

Canoe The North: Wabakimi - Reflections From The Water

Canoe The North has put out another excellent video of their adventure though Wabakimi last year…

At the end of the summer of 2022, I had the opportunity to canoe across one of Ontario's premier canoeing destinations.... Wabakimi.

I had previously visited Wabakimi on a fly in fishing trip, but this would be my first time paddling through this enormous park. With millions of acres to explore, you could spend a lifetime traveling this land and not even scratch the surface.

For this trip, I focused on a few specific locations on the eastern side. These locations had been on my bucket list for years!

Wendall Beckwiths’ cabins in the heart of Wabakimi were a top priority. This eccentric scientist moved to Wabakimi in the 1960's and believed Whitewater Lake to be the "centre of the universe". I had heard the cabins were rapidly deteriorating, so I wanted to see what remained before it’s too late.

I also took time to paddle the incredible Cliff Lake, which is possibly the most beautiful lake I've ever paddled in Ontario! There must be a couple hundred pictographs along the sheer granite walls of this iconic wilderness lake!

This was an amazing trip where everything seemed to go my way, including the northern lights (aurora borealis) coming out to light up the night sky on two separate evenings.

Paddling though Wabakimi was a very special experience for me and I'm in the process of planning another bigger, longer trip though this immense wilderness in 2023. I hope you enjoy the video.