New Book: Toughest School in North America

New Book: Toughest School in North America

Author Richard de Candole released a new book this year called “Toughest School in North America”…

As a 13-year-old, Richard de Candole paddled an astounding 900 miles from the Rocky Mountains to Lake Winnipeg. It was one of five major canoe trips he took as a student at St. John’s Cathedral Boys’ School, an unusual boarding school located in Selkirk, Manitoba, just north of Winnipeg. The trips were an annual rite of passage. As were the long treks by snowshoe each winter. The Toughest School in North America is a uniquely Canadian story that brings to life the hardships, dangers, and raw beauty Richard experienced as a student from 1962 to 1968. And it vividly captures the work camp atmosphere of the place where he learned the hard lessons of life. Richard and his classmates survive the day-to-day grind with grit, humour and occasional alleged misdemeanors.

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