Ontario Parks Re-Opening Winter Camping Starting March 9th

Ontario Parks Re-Opening Winter Camping Starting March 9th

Ontario Parks announced today that they will re-open winter camping and roofed accommodations starting March 9th, 2021. The parks have been closed for winter camping since January 20th, 2021. If you’re planning a trip, be sure to check the health unit in the area that you are visiting as overnight stays in provincial parks located within the Grey-Lockdown zone will remain closed until further notice.

We know how much people love to visit Ontario Parks, but we continue to ask that you only visit and enjoy provincial parks or conservation reserves close to home.

Ontario Parks will continue to monitor our public health regions and changes could happen at any time.

Get the latest updates on Ontario Parks and COVID-19 by visiting their COVID-19 updates page. Stay connected with Ontario Parks by following them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Banner photo from Ontario Parks’ Facebook page.