New Study Shows That Mosquitoes Prefer Biting Some People Over Others

New Study Shows That Mosquitoes Prefer Biting Some People Over Others

A paper that was just released on PLOS ONE (an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication) shows that Female mosquitoes (the ones that bite you) prefer some people to others by the differences in volatile chemicals produced by your body.

I wouldn't stick my hand in there if I were you...

They checked the attractiveness of odours from the hands of identical and non-identical twins, and what did they determine? The identical twin pair showed a high correlation in attractiveness to mosquitoes, while non-identical twin pairs showed a significantly lower correlation. After being alerted to our presence by the Carbon Dioxide we exhale while setting up the tent, genetically we may be more attractive than others by the scents our bodies produce.

Hopefully this leads to new research to mask our delicious scents, especially since a 2010 research paper showed that Mosquitoes are inheriting DEET resistance!