Canadian Canoe Museum Considering A New Location

The Canadian Canoe Museum is considering relocating from their currently location at 910 Monaghan Road in Peterborough, Ontario, to Downtown. After 15 years of operating at the former Outboard Marine Corporation of Canada factory, they have raised enough funds to start a feasibility study which will start in January and should wrap up mid-Summer 2013.

General Manager John Summers outlined the scope of the redevelopment. “First, we will carry out a feasibility study to outline a concept for the Museum’s future and show us what will be required to make it a reality. Then, we will look for a new site; launch a capital campaign; design and build a new building and finally open the doors on a whole new heritage experience in downtown Peterborough. Our vision is to create a welcoming place enriched by our unparalleled collection of canoes, kayaks and paddled watercraft and brought to life by visitors young and old who come to enjoy and learn. In a facility such as this we can share with people across Canada and around the world how the canoe is a unique expression of the land, cultures and history of our country.”