Haliburton Paddle Shop Has A New Logo AND A New Owner

Haliburton Paddle Shop Has A New Logo AND A New Owner

Haliburton Paddle Shop (new website launching soon!) (Haliburton, Ontario) just showed off their brand new logo and new direction for 2024…

You may have noticed something new pop up on your feed! A new logo! #pry #draw #jstroke #pi

First off, A heartfelt thank you to Haliburton Forest & Wildlife Reserve for entrusting me, Corey Pietryszyn, with the takeover of the beloved Haliburton Forest Paddle Shop. Join me on my journey with the newly branded Haliburton Paddle Shop!

Paddle making for only a few years, Corey Pietryszyn, along with partner Maria Paterson, will continue to embrace the sustainability and the craftmanship in what we make. We want each paddle to tell a story of our dedication and passion while providing you with top-notch quality and unique design. Our commitment to customer service ensures that your experience with us is as smooth as gliding across a tranquil lake.

Experience the difference with the Haliburton Paddle Shop, where craftsmanship meets customization. We are not going anywhere, nestled in the breathtaking Haliburton Highlands of Ontario, Canada.

Discover what sets us apart at the Haliburton Paddle Shop one custom paddle at a time!

Check out their lineup of custom made handcrafted paddles, harvested locally in Ontario.