The 2013 Frontenac Challenge Has Begun

Boardwalk on the Arab Lake Gorge Trail

Frontenac Provincial Park, in Ontario is challenging you to hike their 11 loops of trails between September 1st and October 31st. The Frontenac Challenge, was created by Park Superintendent Lloyd Chapman in 1993 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Ontario Provincial Park System. If you can complete the 160KM challenge by Halloween, then you will be presented with a certificate of accomplishment at the Frontenac Challenge celebratory BBQ in November. Complete it five times, and your name will be engraved on the "800km Club" plaque, and after 10 times, you will be recognized on the "10 Challenge Under Their Boots" plaque.

If you are under 12, try the Junior Hiking Challenge, where you only need to complete six of the loops.

Make sure to register at the front gate to let them know that you are tackling the challenge and to pick up your log sheet. Located somewhere highly visible on each loop is a red and yellow sign with a name on it that you must record on your log sheet that will be handed in when you finish the challenge. All 11 trails must be hiked in their entirety, which also means some loops end up being hiked twice where they share common trails.

There is a map of Frontenac Park that you can purchase to help you plan your route as well. 

Happy Trails!