The Mountain Bike movie by Anthill Films, Strength In Numbers premiered in Peterborough on Saturday night at Splice to an enthusiastic crowd.

There were numerous door prizes throughout the night, including the grand prize draw for a Contour camera. We were quite dismayed to not win this prize.

Before the screening, there was plenty of time to socialize, while Red Bull handed out cans of their popular energy drink and posters to the moviegoers.

Numerous models of Trek Bikes were on display from Wild Rock, be sure to drop in to learn more about which line suits your riding style.

Mike Watt, owner of The Plush Boutique was on hand to show off the new line of Levi's 511 Commuter Line which are perfect for cyclists. Water resistant, 3M Reflective Tape on the interior cuffs, and pockets with features galore sure show Levi's dedication at gearing this to cyclists.

The movie itself was beautifully filmed and had something for every style of rider from the stunt jumpers, to downhillers to the singletrack X-Country riders. Kudos to Anthill Films who made ample use of slow motion video to capture the beauty of a few fleeting seconds of bombing through a trail.